I am using react-native
framework for developing my android app. I want to use react-native-material-design
library for making Toolbar
For those using stores
or top level components. If you delete one, then make sure that it's not being imported anywhere else.
In my case, I deleted a store that was being imported top level.
For those using stores or top level components. If you delete one, then make sure that it's not being imported anywhere else.
In my case, I deleted a store that was being imported top level.
It could be that the name of the JavaScript files that you imported is same with any React predefined libraries/components. For example, importing View.js from folder app/components that you have created.
import View from './app/components/View'
The above statement will produce the error. So, by changing the name of file to Interface.js
import Interface from './app/components/Interface'
Now, the code can run well
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res
run this command : this will show the error like twice closing of tags or unable to find any module
use sudo before the command in linux based systems
I had the same problem, one of my node modules was not well configured (react navigation) so I just re install it locally using
npm install react-navigation --save
Sometime this error arise when you don't specify the correct path of .js
Like instead of typing the Correct path :
var WeatherProject = require('./Main/WeatherProject');
A Wrong Path is typed (capitalization,spelling error,special symbols) :
var WeatherProject = require('./WeatherProject');