I would find it much easier if the tabs show which files are in the Editor were stacked vertically rather than horizontally. Stacked horizontally means that you run out of room
CTRL+G brings up an Editors dialog as shown in this screen capture:
CTRL+E brings up the pop-up shown in this screen capture:
Finally a true relief!
Install dragging the "install" button from
to show it
"window / show view / browsing / editors list"
On its internal menu I selected too: Sort by ext+name
Now I just need a way to hide the top tabs list and it will become perfect!
tabs can not be stacked vertically. However, CTRL+E (⌘+E on mac) might give you some relief.
None that I know of, but there are some other tipps to make life a little easier:
1) Use Mylyn, which filters the Explorer-Views so only relevant files are shown there.
2) Have a look at "Extended VS Presentation" http://andrei.gmxhome.de/skins/index.html . This little plugin adds some useful features to reduce waste of screenspace. With it you can hide the file extension in editor tabs or limit the size of each tab and reduce the padding. Then you can remove the X and close tabs with a middle click. Each just a small saving, but they add up.
you can always drag windows over each other to tile them vertically but if you see a ">>" at the end of the tabs clicking on it gives a file list which are open.
Another command is CTRL+F6 not entirely like the other ones but great to switch between your two most recent tabs. And you also get a list of open tabs like the other examples.