How can we write the following statement to improve readability?
Promotion.joins(:category).where([\"lft>=? and rgt<=?\", c.lft, c.rgt]).joins(:shops).wher
Also possible to do
Promotion.joins(:category) \
.where(["lft>=? and rgt<=?", c.lft, c.rgt]) \
.joins(:shops) \
.where(:promotions_per_shops => { :shop_id => shops_id }) \
.count('id', :distinct => true)
Do it like this:
where(["lft>=? and rgt<=?", c.lft, c.rgt]).
where(:promotions_per_shops => { :shop_id => shops_id }).
count('id', :distinct => true)
It should compile in 1.9. In previous versions it was invalid indeed.