I\'m using eclipse checkstyle plugin with Juno Eclipse distribution. Anytime the code is checked for checkstyle error I get the following error:
cannot initiali
just comment or remove "DoubleCheckedLocking" from the checkstyle file and it will work
Open the Checkstyle preferences, create your own Check Configuration, go into your own check configuration, find the TreeWalker module, click it and then un-check the DoubleCheckedLocking. As simple as that.
Remove the following line from the file
<module name="DoubleCheckedLocking"/>
Reload Workspace.
This will work for any discontinued module which produces the error message "Unable to instantiate"
The DoubleCheckedLocking check has been removed in Checkstyle 5.6 and must be manually removed from your Checkstyle configuration.
See also: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3571442&group_id=29721&atid=397078