How do I denote an empty dictionary in YAML? I.e. it should be semantically equivalent to the empty json-object {}
Short answer: use {}
There are two ways to denote mappings (dictionaries) in yaml; flow mappings and block mappings:
name: foo
id: bar
flow_mapping: { name: foo, id: bar }
empty_flow_mapping: {}
The flow mapping style is thus suitable for representing empty mappings.
General technique for answering this type of question, to supplement Betamos’s correct answer: use irb.
$ irb
2.2.0 :001 > require 'yaml'
=> true
2.2.0 :002 > puts({}.to_yaml) # original question
--- {}
=> nil
2.2.0 :003 > puts({ mixed_types: [{}, "string", :symbol, {symbol: "value"}, nil, 3] }.to_yaml)
- {}
- string
- :symbol
- :symbol: value
- 3
=> nil
I use this whenever I’m unsure how to encode something.