I\'m trying to take every open tweets in a hashtag but my code does not go further than 299 tweets.
I also trying to take tweets from a specific time line like tweets on
Have a look at this: https://tweepy.readthedocs.io/en/v3.5.0/cursor_tutorial.html
And try this:
import tweepy
api = tweepy.API(auth)
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q='#python', rpp=100).items():
# Do something
In your case you have a max number of tweets to get, so as per the linked tutorial you could do:
import tweepy
MAX_TWEETS = 5000000000000000000000
api = tweepy.API(auth)
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q='#python', rpp=100).items(MAX_TWEETS):
# Do something
If you want tweets after a given ID, you can also pass that argument.
Check twitter api documentation, probably it allows just 300 tweets to parse. I would recommend to forget api, make it with requests with streaming. The api is an implementation of requests with limitations.
This code worked for me.
import tweepy
import pandas as pd
import os
#Twitter Access
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( 'xxx','xxx')
api = tweepy.API(auth,wait_on_rate_limit = True)
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['text', 'source', 'url'])
msgs = []
msg =[]
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q='#bmw', rpp=100).items(10):
msg = [tweet.text, tweet.source, tweet.source_url]
msg = tuple(msg)
df = pd.DataFrame(msgs)
Sorry, I can't answer in comment, too long. :)
Sure :) Check this example: Advanced searched for #data keyword 2015 may - 2016 july Got this url: https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=%23data%20since%3A2015-05-01%20until%3A2016-07-31&src=typd
session = requests.session()
keyword = 'data'
date1 = '2015-05-01'
date2 = 2016-07-31
session.get('https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=%23+keyword+%20since%3A+date1+%20until%3A+date2&src=typd', streaming = True)
Now we have all the requested tweets, Probably you could have problems with 'pagination' Pagination url ->
Probably you could put a random tweet id, or you can parse first, or requests some data from twitter. It can be done.
Use Chrome's networking tab to find all the requested information :)