I am trying to scrape keywords from https://adwords.google.com/ko/KeywordPlanner/Home
using CefSharp (version 43)
I am able to log into the adwords portal p
code by @masroore worked well and saved me today. But then I found this method is deprecated and is in the process of being dropped.
Updated the code with new method which does the same thing:
function setKeywordText(text)
var el = document.getElementById("gwt-debug-keywords-text-area");
el.value = text;
var evt= new Event('change');
Ok, I found the solution:
function setKeywordText(text) {
var el = document.getElementById("gwt-debug-keywords-text-area");
el.value = text;
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("change", true, true);