I\'d like my Grails web-app to send an e-mail for each exception that reaches the end-user.
Basically I\'m looking for a elegant way to achieve something equivalent to:<
Turns out this exact question was answered on the Grails mailing list a couple of days ago.
The solution is to add the following to the log4j-section of Config.groovy:
log4j {
appender.'mail.Subject'='App Error'
appender.'mail.layout.ConversionPattern'='[%r] %c{2} %m%n'
// rootLogger="error,stdout" (old rootLogger)
Plus adding sun-javamail.jar and activation.jar to the lib/-folder.
You could also take a look at exceptionHandler mechanism provided by Grails; I find it very simple; yet powerful enough to take care of all my custom & clean exception handling needs. Haven't tested this approach with 1.1 so far; but works very well with 1.0.3.
class BootStrap {
def exceptionHandler
def init = { servletContext ->
exceptionHandler.exceptionMappings =
[ 'NoSuchFlowExecutionException' :'/myControler/myAction',
'java.lang.Exception' : '/myController/generalAction']
def destroy = { }
Detailed blog here :
Assuming you can do this from groovy, you'll want to use a logging framework such as log4j for this, which has loggers that can append log data to a database, send email, etc.