I very want to play mp4 video in my android app. I even wrote a bit of code for it:
String sourceUrl = \"http://tvstream.cn.ru/storage/1kanal/20120530/\"
Probably your file is using an unsupported profile, notice that official media formats page only lists Baseline Profile as supported for H.264 AVC.
Try transcoding the video specifying Baseline Profile as suggested in this stackoverflow question, i.e. if your container is MP4 run:
ffmpeg -i yourfile.mp4 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -level 1 yourfile_BaselineProfile.mp4
If this works it's not a issue in your code, you just have to use supported formats.
VideoView classes does not allow playing MP4 file format videos. Please go through this link for Android Media Formats. Try checking your video with Daroon Player
Try this
File clip=new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
if (clip.exists()) {
ctlr=new MediaController(this);