Depends on the platform.
For Windows, you can use this code:
// Allocate some memory as readable+writable
// TODO: Check return value for error
LPVOID memPtr = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(myarr), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
// Copy data
memcpy(memPtr, myarr, sizeof(myarr);
// Change memory protection to readable+executable
// Again, TODO: Error checking
DWORD oldProtection; // Not used but required for the function
VirtualProtect(memPtr, sizeof(myarr), PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oldProtection);
// Assign and call the function
(void (*)()) myfunc = (void (*)()) memPtr;
// Free the memory
VirtualFree(memPtr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
This codes assumes a myarr
array as in your question's code, and it assumes that sizeof
will work on it i.e. it has a directly defined size and is not just a pointer passed from elsewhere. If the latter is the case, you would have to specify the size in another way.
Note that here there are two "simplifications" possible, in case you wonder, but I would advise against them:
1) You could call VirtualAlloc
, but this is in general bad practice because it would open an attack vector for unwanted code exeuction.
2) You could call VirtualProtect
on &myarr
directly, but this would just make a random page in your memory executable which happens to contain your array executable, which is even worse than #1 because there might be other data in this page as well which is now suddenly executable as well.
For Linux, I found this on Google but I don't know much about it.