How do I return a multidimensional array stored in a private
field of my class?
class Myclass {
int myarray[5][5];
int **
Simpler would be decltype(auto)
(since C++14)
decltype(auto) get_array() { return (myarray); } // Extra parents to return reference
then decltype
(since C++11) (member should be declared before the method though)
auto get_array() -> decltype((this->myarray)) { return myarray; }
// or
auto get_array() -> decltype(this->myarray)& { return myarray; }
then typedef way:
using int2D = int[5][5]; // since C++11
// or
typedef int int2D[5][5];
int2D& get_array() { return myarray; }
as regular syntax is very ugly way:
int (&get_array())[5][5] { return myarray; }
Using std::array<std::array<int, 5>, 5>
(since C++11) would have more natural syntax.