IP address of localhost:8080 -in webhooks of github +jenkins

后端 未结 3 974
一生所求 2021-02-04 20:22

I am trying to configure webhooks in github so that it will deploy every time I do a new push, I have added web hooks in github and given the address of jenkins which is h

  • 2021-02-04 21:00

    You need a public address for Github to point to when detected a push request. localhost is on your localmachine.

    The way i solved it is to use a proxy agent Ngrok. Enter command >ngrok http 8080, it will generate http://{hexa-numbers}.ngrok.io copy the generated public address and put in your github repository webhook http://{hexa-numbers}.ngrok.io/github-webhook/.

    At this point when you save it, it will send a post request to ngrok server, got redirected to localhost and you will see a green tick.

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  • 2021-02-04 21:12

    You still need to provide the port in your url:


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  • 2021-02-04 21:13

    If you are talking about github.com, then yes, localhost would not work.
    As mentioned in "GitHub webhook configuration "

    the Jenkins instance must be able to connect to GitHub and vice versa.

    You can check that with the "Test hook" button from the GitHub UI and see if Jenkins receive a payload.

    Make sure you have the JENKINS GitHub Plugin properly installed and configured.

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