I have an array of functions and I\'m trying to produce one function which consists of the composition of the elements in my array. My approach is:
def compo
pip install funcoperators
is another library to implement it that allows infix notation:
from funcoperators import compose
# display = lambda x: hex(ord(list(x)))
display = hex *compose* ord *compose* list
# also works as a function
display = compose(hex, ord, list)
pip install funcoperators https://pypi.org/project/funcoperators/
Disclaimer: I'm the creator of the module
def compose (*functions):
def inner(arg):
for f in reversed(functions):
arg = f(arg)
return arg
return inner
>>> def square (x):
return x ** 2
>>> def increment (x):
return x + 1
>>> def half (x):
return x / 2
>>> composed = compose(square, increment, half) # square(increment(half(x)))
>>> composed(5) # square(increment(half(5))) = square(increment(2.5)) = square(3.5) = 12,25
More general solution of Imanol Luengo from my point of view (python notebook example):
from functools import reduce
from functools import partial
def f(*argv, **kwargs):
print('f: {} {}'.format(argv, kwargs))
return argv, kwargs
def g(*argv, **kwargs):
print('g: {} {}'.format(argv, kwargs))
return argv, kwargs
def compose(fs, *argv, **kwargs):
return reduce(lambda x, y: y(*x[0], **x[1]), fs, (argv, kwargs))
h = partial(compose, [f, g])
h('value', key='value')
f: ('value',) {'key': 'value'}
g: ('value',) {'key': 'value'}
m = partial(compose, [h, f, g])
m('value', key='value')
f: ('value',) {'key': 'value'}
g: ('value',) {'key': 'value'}
f: ('value',) {'key': 'value'}
g: ('value',) {'key': 'value'}
You can also create an array of functions and use reduce:
def f1(x): return x+1
def f2(x): return x+2
def f3(x): return x+3
x = 5
# Will print f3(f2(f1(x)))
print reduce(lambda acc, x: x(acc), [f1, f2, f3], x)
# As a function:
def compose(*funcs):
return lambda x: reduce(lambda acc, f: f(acc), funcs, x)
f = compose(f1, f2, f3)
This is my version
def compose(*fargs):
def inner(arg):
if not arg:
raise ValueError("Invalid argument")
if not all([callable(f) for f in fargs]):
raise TypeError("Function is not callable")
return reduce(lambda arg, func: func(arg), fargs, arg)
return inner
An example of how it's used
def calcMean(iterable):
return sum(iterable) / len(iterable)
def formatMean(mean):
return round(float(mean), 2)
def adder(val, value):
return val + value
def isEven(val):
return val % 2 == 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Ex1
rand_range = [random.randint(0, 10000) for x in range(0, 10000)]
isRandIntEven = compose(calcMean, formatMean,
partial(adder, value=0), math.floor.__call__, isEven)
The easiest approach would be first to write a composition of 2 functions:
def compose2(f, g):
return lambda *a, **kw: f(g(*a, **kw))
And then use reduce
to compose more functions:
def compose(*fs):
return reduce(compose2, fs)
Or you can use some library, which already contains compose function.