I am creating a choropleth county map with grey borders, and I also want to include the state boundries in black. Does anyone know how I go about adding a second layer of state
Just add a geom_path
to your code...
I used red to highlight the boundaries but you can easily just set it to black.
ggplot( wip_map, aes( x = long , y = lat , group=group ) ) +
geom_polygon( colour = "grey" , aes( fill = factor( CATEGORY ) ) ) +
scale_fill_manual( values = pal ) +
expand_limits( x = wip_map$long, y = wip_map$lat ) +
coord_map( "polyconic" ) +
labs(fill="Number Per\nCounty") +
theme_clean( ) +
geom_path( data = state_map , colour = "red")