I have an image generated on the client side which I want to transfer to the server through a form. For example, let\'s say that I have a registration form in which the profile
Found an answer myself, here's the solution in case someone needs it:
In the client side, this is how you get the image from canvas and set it to a form field (a hidden char field):
var dataURL = document.getElementById('canvas_id').toDataURL("image/png");
document.getElementById('id_hidden_image_field').value = dataURL;
And in django side:
add to the form a hidden field called 'hidden_image_field', which will be used to pass the data. this field is a simple CharField. you can add max_length limit to make sure image is in a reasonable size (note: not dimensions but actual size).
to parse the image data:
import re
import base64
dataUrlPattern = re.compile('data:image/(png|jpeg);base64,(.*)$')
ImageData = request.POST.get('hidden_image_field')
ImageData = dataUrlPattern.match(ImageData).group(2)
# If none or len 0, means illegal image data
if (ImageData == None or len(ImageData) == 0:
# Decode the 64 bit string into 32 bit
ImageData = base64.b64decode(ImageData)
and now ImageData contains the binary data, you can simply save to a file and it should work.
hope this helps.