I\'m considering saving my application settings as a xml instead of using the registry but I\'m having a hard time understanding and using OmniXML.
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The easy method to save application settings with OmniXML is to use the OmniXMLPersistent unit.
As explained in OmniXML Sample Page you simply define an object with published properties and with the TOmniXMLWriter class you serialize the object to a file or a string (loading with the TOmniXMLReader class)
The serialization supports objects nested, so you could have complex structures, for example your xml could be represented by this objects:
TAppProfiles = class(TCollection)
TAppProfile = class(TCollectionItem)
TAppSettings = class(TPersistent)
FCheckForUpdates: Integer;
FCheckForUpdatesInterval: Integer;
FShowSplashScreen: Boolean;
property CheckForUpdates: Integer read FCheckForUpdates write FCheckForUpdates;
property CheckForUpdatesInterval: Integer read FCheckForUpdatesInterval write FCheckForUpdatesInterval;
property ShowSplashScreen: Boolean read FShowSplashScreen write FShowSplashScreen;
TAppConfiguration = class(TPersistent)
FProfiles: TAppProfiles;
FSettings: TAppSettings;
property Profiles: TAppProfiles read FProfiles write FProfiles;
property Settings: TAppSettings read FSettings write FSettings;
//Declare an instance of your configuration object
AppConf: TAppConfiguration;
//Create it
AppConf := TAppConfiguration.Create;
//Serialize the object!
TOmniXMLWriter.SaveToFile(AppConf, 'appname.xml', pfNodes, ofIndent);
//And, of course, at the program start read the file into the object
TOmniXMLReader.LoadFromFile(AppConf, 'appname.xml');
That's all.. without writing a single line of xml yourself...
If you still prefer the "manual" way, take a look at the OmniXMLUtils units or the Fluent interface to OmniXML (written by Primoz Gabrijelcic, the OmniXML author)
Ah.. public thanks to Primoz for this excellent delphi library!