I am outputting a list of search results for a given string of keywords, and I want any matching keywords in my search results to be highlighted. Each word should be wrapped in
try highlighter from Lucene.net
How to use:
EDIT: As long as Lucene.net highlighter is not suitable here new link:
Here's what I've decided on. An extension function that I can call on the relevant strings within my page / section of my page:
public static string HighlightKeywords(this string input, string keywords)
if (input == string.Empty || keywords == string.Empty)
return input;
string[] sKeywords = keywords.Split(' ');
foreach (string sKeyword in sKeywords)
input = Regex.Replace(input, sKeyword, string.Format("<span class=\"hit\">{0}</span>", "$0"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return input;
Any further suggestions or comments?
Use the jquery highlight plugin.
For highlighting it at server side
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
HtmlTextWriter w = new HtmlTextWriter( new StringWriter( html ) );
base.Render( w );
html.Replace( "lorem", "<span class=\"hit\">lorem</span>" );
writer.Write( html.ToString() );
You can use regular expressions for advanced text replacing.
You can also write the above code in an HttpModule so that it can be re used in other applications.
An extension to the answer above. (don't have enough reputation to give comment)
To avoid span from being replaced when search criteria were [span pan an a], the found word was replaced to something else than replace back... not very efficient though...
public string Highlight(string input)
if (input == string.Empty || searchQuery == string.Empty)
return input;
string[] sKeywords = searchQuery.Replace("~",String.Empty).Replace(" "," ").Trim().Split(' ');
int totalCount = sKeywords.Length + 1;
string[] sHighlights = new string[totalCount];
int count = 0;
input = Regex.Replace(input, Regex.Escape(searchQuery.Trim()), string.Format("~{0}~", count), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
sHighlights[count] = string.Format("<span class=\"highlight\">{0}</span>", searchQuery);
foreach (string sKeyword in sKeywords.OrderByDescending(s => s.Length))
input = Regex.Replace(input, Regex.Escape(sKeyword), string.Format("~{0}~", count), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
sHighlights[count] = string.Format("<span class=\"highlight\">{0}</span>", sKeyword);
for (int i = totalCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
input = Regex.Replace(input, "\\~" + i + "\\~", sHighlights[i], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return input;