I\'m looking for a builder for HQL in Java. I want to get rid of things like:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
.append(\"select stock from \")
It looks like you want to use the Criteria query API built into Hibernate. To do your above query it would look like this:
List<Stock> stocks = session.createCriteria(Stock.class)
If you don't have access to the Hibernate Session yet, you can used 'DetachedCriteria' like so:
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Stock.class)
If you wanted to get all Stock that have a Bonus with a specific ID you could do the following:
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Stock.class)
For more infromation check out Criteria Queries from the Hibernate docs
Now are also available the standard JPA Type Safe query and an less standard but also good Object Query
JPA Type Safe
EntityManager em = ...
CriteriaBuilder qb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Stock> c = qb.createQuery(Stock.class);
Root<Stock> = c.from(Stock.class);
Predicate condition = qb.eq(p.get(Stock_.id), id);
TypedQuery<Stock> q = em.createQuery(c);
List<Stock> result = q.getResultList();
Object Query
EntityManager em = ...
ObjectQuery<Stock> query = new GenericObjectQuery<Stock>(Stock.class);
Stock toSearch = query.target();
List<Stock> res = (List<Stock>)JPAObjectQuery.execute(query, em);
I wrote a GPL'd solution for OMERO which you could easily build suited to your situation.
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
qb.from("Image", "img");
qb.join("img.pixels", "pix", true, false);
// Can't join anymore after this
qb.where(); // First
qb.and("pt.details.creationTime > :time");
qb.param("time", new Date());
qb.and("img.id in (:ids)");
qb.paramList("ids", new HashSet());
qb.order("img.id", true);
qb.order("this.details.creationEvent.time", false);
It functions as a state machine "select->from->join->where->order", etc. and keeps up with optional parameters. There were several queries which the Criteria API could not perform (see HHH-879), so in the end it was simpler to write this small class to wrap StringBuilder. (Note: there is a ticket HHH-2407 describing a Hibernate branch which should unify the two. After that, it would probably make sense to re-visit the Criteria API)
I know this thread is pretty old, but I also was looking for a HqlBuilder And I found this "screensaver" project
It is NOT a Windows screensaver, it's a
"Lab Information Management System (LIMS) for high-throughput screening (HTS) facilities that perform small molecule and RNAi screens."
It contains an HQLBuilder that is looking quite good.
Here is a sample list of available methods:
HqlBuilder select(String alias);
HqlBuilder select(String alias, String property);
HqlBuilder from(Class<?> entityClass, String alias);
HqlBuilder fromFetch(String joinAlias, String joinRelationship, String alias);
HqlBuilder where(String alias, String property, Operator operator, Object value);
HqlBuilder where(String alias, Operator operator, Object value);
HqlBuilder where(String alias1, Operator operator, String alias2);
HqlBuilder whereIn(String alias, String property, Set<?> values);
HqlBuilder whereIn(String alias, Set<?> values);
HqlBuilder where(Clause clause);
HqlBuilder orderBy(String alias, String property);
HqlBuilder orderBy(String alias, SortDirection sortDirection);
HqlBuilder orderBy(String alias, String property, SortDirection sortDirection);
String toHql();
For a type-safe approach to your problem, consider Querydsl.
The example query becomes
HQLQuery query = new HibernateQuery(session);
List<Stock> s = query.from(stock, bonus)
Querydsl uses APT for code generation like JPA2 and supports JPA/Hibernate, JDO, SQL and Java collections.
I am the maintainer of Querydsl, so this answer is biased.
Doesn't the Criteria API do it for you? It looks almost exactly like what you're asking for.