With these models:
class Week
has_many :proofs
class Proof
belongs_to :week
I want to do something like:
With rails (and without counter_cache), you could do:
class Week < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :proofs
def self.by_proofs_size
sort_by { |week| week.proofs.size }
def self.with_at_least_n_proofs(n = 1)
select { |week| week.proofs.size >= n }
Even though each of those operations produces 2 queries, this is far from ideal.
The pair of queries is repeated (=> 4 queries for each operation) with scopes (bug?):
scope :with_at_least_n_proofs, -> (n = 1) { select { |w| w.proofs.size >= n } }
scope :by_proofs_size, -> { sort_by { |w| w.proofs.size } }
The ideal is probably to use counter_cache
scope :with_at_least_n_proofs, -> (n = 1) { where('proofs_count >= ?', n) }
scope :by_proofs_size, -> { order(proofs_count: :desc) }
I don't know if this is the best solution, as it maps it through a array, but this does the job: (the other solutions mentioned here gives me exceptions)
class Week < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :has_proofs, -> { any_in(:_id => includes(:proofs).select{ |w| w.proofs.size > 0 }.map{ |r| r.id }) }
Pardon me if I'm way off - but would you be able to use a simple counter_cache in the weeks table? Then you could do something like week.proofs_count.