I\'m trying to configure Hudson so that I will be able to automatically deploy a build (a .war file) to Tomcat. The newly deployed build will then be used by someone to test the
I have several hudson jobs per projects:
mvn package -DskipTests
and deploys the war on tomcatI find that separating these made things easier, only the first job listens for SCM changes.
However, another way would be to let the 3rd job also listen to the SCM (but with a longer interval, perhaps an hour).
Look at the section "How to rollback or redeploy a previous build" on the Deploy Plugin Page. It describes the basic idea. It uses the Copy Artifact Plugin to copy the artifacts from the build job to your current job (the deploy job). From there you do the same that you did in your build step.
The build job can not be triggered after you start the deploy so that first a build runs and than the deploy job. So there a a few options: