I have been playing with Aeson and the lens package (lens-aeson, migrated from the core lens package), and have been sruggling to get them to work together.
As a toy exa
You can use the _JSON prism. You only need to write a ToJSON
instance for Colour
instance ToJSON Colour where
toJSON Yellow = String "yellow"
toJSON Blue = String "blue"
toJSON Green = String "green"
and then you can use it like this:
parseColour :: String -> Maybe Colour
parseColour j = j ^? key "info" . key "colour" . _JSON
-- point-free: parseColor = preview $ key "info" . key "colour" . _JSON
-- In GHCi
λ: parseColour "{ \"info\": { \"colour\": \"yellow\" } }"
Just Yellow