I\'m trying to generate an .exe file from a python script that uses wxPython and Matplotlib and it looks like to be impossible.
The imports I\'m doing (related with Matp
For a simply test, you could simply copy 'mpl-data' folder in 'site-packages\matplotlib' to your app folder. As far as I know, 'mpl-data' cannot be bundled into the single executable so this has to be included in your binary distribution as a folder.
I used py2exe via GUI2Exe and could freeze my app that uses matplotlib + numpy/scipy + wx (so obviously wxagg backend). I didn't need to include _tkagg (which is explicitly excluded in GUI2Exe default setting which worked for me).
Try using PyInstaller rather than py2exe. It has full support for wxPython and matplotlib. And it's in active development, unlike py2exe.
There are a number of problems with matplotlib.get_py2exe_datafiles(), as convenient as it would be if it worked. It's also a good idea to specify which backend to use. Here's a working matplotlib import I recently used:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
from glob import glob
import matplotlib #Import then use get_py2exe_datafiles() to collect numpy datafiles.
matplotlib.use('wxagg') #Specify matplotlib backend. tkagg must still be included else error is thrown.
data_files = [
("Stuff", glob(r'C:\ProjectFolder\Stuff\*.*'))
,("dlls", glob(r'C:\ProjectFolder\dlls\*.dll'))
,("pyds", glob(r'C:\ProjectFolder\pyds\*.pyd')) # py2exe specified pyd's
# Extend the tuple list because matplotlib returns a tuple list.
data_files.extend(matplotlib.get_py2exe_datafiles()) #Matplotlib - pulls it's own files
options = {'py2exe':{#'bundle_files': 1, # Bundle files to exe
'includes': ["matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg"] # Specifically include missing modules
,'excludes': ['_gtkagg', 'tkagg'] # Exclude dependencies. Reduce size.
,options = options
Py2exe documentation explains the source of the problem and give solutions. It worked for me. (matplotlib version 1.1.0, Python 2.7)
Since I have no privilege to comment or evaluate other answers, I have to write my own one. Kirk's answer was the most valuable help for me. PyInstaller might be a workaround (have not tested it) but is definitely not the technical solution to the problem !
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
from distutils.filelist import findall
import os
import matplotlib
matplotlibdatadir = matplotlib.get_data_path()
matplotlibdata = findall(matplotlibdatadir)
matplotlibdata_files = []
for f in matplotlibdata:
dirname = os.path.join('matplotlibdata', f[len(matplotlibdatadir)+1:])
matplotlibdata_files.append((os.path.split(dirname)[0], [f]))
'py2exe': {
'includes': ["sip", "PyQt4.QtGui"],
'packages' : ['matplotlib', 'pytz'],
'excludes': ['_gtkagg', '_tkagg']