I\'m facing an issue in angular.js ui-router and not able to sort it out .
I want user to access all routes defined in config if the user is EnterpriseA
$stateProvider.state has a data property. One way is to add auth option to your states.
$stateProvider.state('Registration.Instructors', {
url: "/Instructors",
templateUrl: '/Scripts/App/Instructors/Templates/instructors.html',
controller: 'InstructorController',
data: { auth: "EnterpriseAdmin"}
then you can listen to event fired by ui-router before any state starts loading and prevent it if the user is unauthorized:
app.run(function($rootScope, user){
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
if ( toState.data.auth === 'EnterpriseAdmin' && !user.isAdmin() ) {
return false;
You can even redirect him to another state, based on your ui logic: