Similar: What graphing packages/APIs exist for Perl?
I\'m doing some research into online graphing packages for different languages and would like to kn
rgplot is a ruby gnuplot gem. It enables gnuplot visualizations from ruby. I am a longtime fan of gnuplot, so I am biased - gnuplot gives a simple scripting approach to creating graphs. I also found something called rmagick which looks neat.
You also have ruby-gd, bindings for gd2.
Ruby port of Protovis library According to the protovis site
Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots. Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. As Protovis, Rubyvis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. Its delivers SVG natively, which could be exported to PNG, JPEG and others graphics formats
I quite like eXtended Ruby Vector Graphics (
I have the following bookmarked for investigation when time permits:
I haven't tried any of these yet, but they all look promising if you want snappy animation:
Google Charts
Both gems are somewhat works-in-progress. I've tried both in some simple cases, both worked fairlyl well, although I think a DSL-style alternative would be a winner. (Note to self).
RMagick based
I am Windows-based, which seems to be a Bad Thing for RMagick installation. I got it working - briefly - then it stopped. In that time I managed to try gruff, which worked nicely enough. But the library is too much hassle for my short temper!