If I run in the shell:
mongo ds0219xx.mlab.com:219xx/dbname -u user -p pass
It works and allows me to connect to the database and pull informat
You need to authenticate after selecting the database for mongo < 4.0
I figured it out. You can do this from the python file and it will work:
connection = pymongo.MongoClient(ab123456.mlab.com, 123456)
db = connection[databasename]
db.authenticate(database_user, database_pass)
Appending /?authSource=admin
helped me.
Full Example:
uri = 'mongodb://username:password@r1.example.net:27017/?authSource=admin'
client = MongoClient(uri)
db = client.test
result = db.users.find()
for document in result:
Version: pymongo 3.7.2