I\'m working on embedding Python in our test suite application. The purpose is to use Python to run several tests scripts to collect data and make a report of tests. Multiple te
I'd write another shell script executing the sequence of test scripts with new instances of python each time. Or write it in python like
# run your tests in the process first
# now run the user scripts, each in new process to have virgin env
for script in userScript:
Here is another way I found to achieve what I want, start with a clean slate in the interpreter.
I can control the global and local namespaces I use to execute the code:
// get the dictionary from the main module
// Get pointer to main module of python script
object main_module = import("__main__");
// Get dictionary of main module (contains all variables and stuff)
object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
// define the dictionaries to use in the interpreter
dict global_namespace;
dict local_namespace;
// add the builtins
global_namespace["__builtins__"] = main_namespace["__builtins__"];
I can then use use the namespaces for execution of code contained in pyCode
exec( pyCode, global_namespace, lobaca_namespace );
I can clean the namespaces when I want to run a new instance of my test, by cleaning the dictionaries:
// empty the interpreters namespaces
// Copy builtins to new global namespace
global_namespace["__builtins__"] = main_namespace["__builtins__"];
Depending at what level I want the execution, I can use global = local
How about using code.IteractiveInterpreter
Something like this should do it:
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace boost::python;
std::string GetPythonError()
PyObject *ptype = NULL, *pvalue = NULL, *ptraceback = NULL;
PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback);
std::string message("");
if(pvalue && PyString_Check(pvalue)) {
message = PyString_AsString(pvalue);
return message;
// Must be called after Py_Initialize()
void RunInterpreter(std::string codeToRun)
object pymodule = object(handle<>(borrowed(PyImport_AddModule("__main__"))));
object pynamespace = pymodule.attr("__dict__");
try {
// Initialize the embedded interpreter
object result = exec( "import code\n"
"__myInterpreter = code.InteractiveConsole() \n",
// Run the code
str pyCode(codeToRun.c_str());
pynamespace["__myCommand"] = pyCode;
result = eval("__myInterpreter.push(__myCommand)", pynamespace);
} catch(error_already_set) {
throw std::runtime_error(GetPythonError().c_str());