when querying a table, a SerDe will deserialize a row of data from the bytes in the file to objects used internally by Hive to operate on that row of data. when
Hive can analyse semi structured and unstructured data as well by using (1) complex data type(struct,array,unions) (2) By using SerDe
SerDe interface allow us to instruct hive as to how the record should be processed. Serializer will take java object that hive has been working on,and convert it into something that hive can store and Deserializer take binary representation of a record and translate into java object that hive can manipulate.
In this aspect we can see Hive as some kind of database engine. This engine is working on tables which are built from records.
When we let Hive (as well as any other database) to work in its own internal formats - we do not care.
When we want Hive to process our own files as tables (external tables) we have to let him know - how to translate data in files into records. This is exactly the role of SerDe. You can see it as plug-in which enables Hive to read / write your data.
For example - you want to work with CSV. Here is example of CSV_Serde
Method serialize will read the data, and chop it into fields assuming it is CSV
Method deserialize will take a record and format it as CSV.
For more information on how to write a SerDe read this post
I think the above has the concepts serialise and deserialise back to front. Serialise is done on write, the structured data is serialised into a bit/byte stream for storage. On read, the data is deserialised from the bit/byte storage format to the structure required by the reader. eg Hive needs structures that look like rows and columns but hdfs stores the data in bit/byte blocks, so serialise on write, deserialise on read.