Example. I write the following string in my old project and a new, clear one:
UIInterfaceOrientation k = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;
Strip debug symbols during copy
In most answers they advice to set optimization to "none" but forget that this option should be set to NO (at least for debug configuration).
For people who are interested in learning more : https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/429/
Add this as an answer for visibility, Also explains the functionality of each debugging commmand
It seems the difference is lldb/gdb debugger. The only way for iOS project to make debugger more workable is expr @import UIKit
. But it may not work for older xcode versions and... you need to input this string in the console after each relaunch. The only way to automate it is an extra breakpoint with this expression.