Really would like to use CouchDB, and maybe make the Meteor app get data updates via Meteor Publish and Subscribe. But can\'t seem to figure out how to connect the Meteor app wi
The Data section of the Meteor docs (last paragraph) mention substituting other DB engines for Mongo by writing a driver. Here's the quote:
You can substitute another database for MongoDB by providing a server-side database driver and/or a client-side cache that implements an alternative API. The mongo-livedata is a good starting point for such a project.
Now you can use CouchDb with Meteor as a drop in replacement for MongoDB. The guys at Cloudant have create Couchdb integration from Meteor.
Best thing is that its API resembles to that on Mongo in Meteor. Here is the package and details :
Enjoy :)
Especially as this (Meteor+CouchDB) seems to be increasingly not happening, PouchDB is the best nearest alternative that I've found, and so I plan to start with it.
PouchDB notables I find: