I am trying to debug a symfony2 application with xdebug and phpstorm.
My local development environment is Ubuntu 14.04 with apache2 and Xdebug version is 2.2.7
It was a mapping problem. The following are the steps which did the trick
Hope this helps to anyone else
I had a similar issue which again proved to be a mapping problem, debugging a Symfony 2 project remotely using PHPStorm.
If PHPStorm can't map the src file locations, it will break on the first line of code in app_dev.php (if you've set 'Break on first line') but then continue straight through any break points set in /src (e.g. Controllers, Models, etc.) and doesn't flag any error.
Once PHPStorm can map these paths, it stops and breakpoints and meaningful debugging can begin.
I also had to comment out the loading of class cache (symfony 2.7). I did it temporarily in the web/app_dev.php
Otherwise the debugging took place in bootstrap.php.cache
or breakpoints did not work.
If you find that PHPStorm keeps asking for mappings try and create a mapping at the highest level of the project as @stanhope mentioned, that should be enough.
My first mapping was incorrectly set to the app_dev.php file in /web which meant that the IDE kept asking me for mappings to files in vendor directories.
e.g. /vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Response.php
I don't know which browser you are using, but, using Chrome, I use the Xdebug helper extension.
Once the extension is installed, right click on it > options and select PHPStorm as IDE.
Then, start listening for connection on PHPStorm using the button near the debug one.
Here is my configuration of XDebug:
xdebug.max_nesting_level = 1000
xdebug.collect_params = 1
xdebug.collect_return = 1
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
Are you sure XDebug is properly installed on your machine ?
When in PHPStorm
> Run
> Edit Configurations...
, add a PHP Web Application debugging profile and fill it this way:
Press OK and you're done !