I have a long string (sometimes over 1000 characters) that I want to convert to an array of boolean values. And it needs to do this many times, very quickly.
What about a more functional style? It's not fastest (47 ms), today, for sure...
import Cocoa
let start = clock()
let bools = [Bool](([Character] ("010101011001010101001010101100101010100101010110010101010101011001010101001010101100101010100101010101011001010101001010101100101010100101010".characters)).map({$0 == "1"}))
let msec = (clock() - start) * 1000 / UInt(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
print("Time taken \(Double(msec)/1000.0) seconds \(msec%1000) milliseconds");
This should be a little faster than the enumerate() where char == "1"
version (0.557s for 500_000 alternating ones and zeros vs. 1.159s algorithm 'A' from diampiax)
let input = inputStr.utf8
let n = input.count
var output = [Bool](count: n, repeatedValue: false)
let one = UInt8(49) // 1
for (idx, char) in input.enumerate() {
if char == one { output[idx] = true }
but it's also a lot less readable ;-p
edit: both versions are slower than the map variant, maybe you forgot to compile with optimizations?