I am looking to extract a value easily from a method that return a type Either
I am doing some tests but unable to test easily th
Future<Either<Failure, FactsBase>> call(Params params) async {
final resulting = await repository.facts();
return resulting.fold(
(failure) {
return Left(failure);
(factsbase) {
DateTime cfend = sl<EndDateSetting>().finish;
List<CashAction> actions = factsbase.transfers.process(facts: factsbase, startDate: repository.today, finishDate: cfend); // process all the transfers in one line using extensions
actions.addAll(factsbase.transactions.process(facts: factsbase, startDate: repository.today, finishDate: cfend));
for(var action in actions) action.account.cashActions.add(action); // copy all the CashActions to the Account.
for(var account in factsbase.accounts) account.process(start: repository.today);
return Right(factsbase);
Ok here the solutions of my problems:
To extract/retrieve the data
final Either<ServerException, TokenModel> result = await repository.getToken(...);
(exception) => DoWhatYouWantWithException,
(tokenModel) => DoWhatYouWantWithModel
//Other way to 'extract' the data
if (result.isRight()) {
final TokenModel tokenModel = result.getOrElse(null);
To test the exception
//You can extract it from below, or test it directly with the type
expect(() => result, throwsA(isInstanceOf<ServerException>()));
I can't post a comment... But maybe you could look at this post. It's not the same language, but looks like it's the same behaviour.
Good luck.