What does it mean for a non generic class to extend a generic class

后端 未结 6 2039
广开言路 2021-02-04 10:23
  • 2021-02-04 10:26

    Class B is a C.

    C and B are parameterized with an A. (Which means they can have methods and such that use A methods, or the methods of classes that descend from A.)

    A classic use case for this would be that you have a DAO (Data Access Object). You make a generic DAO with some basic methods, like GenericDAO with a generic save method. To make it so other DAOs can extend GenericDAO, you parameterize that class with Entity, and you make sure all your Entitys are saveable.

    Then you have GenericDAO<Entity, and a bunch of implementations of that, for example UserDAO extends GenericDAO<User> where User is an entity.

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  • 2021-02-04 10:28
    public class B extends C <A> {
    1. If A is undefined there is no restriction on B( can be any the of Object Class).
    2. If the Type of A is defined,then B must be of type A or a Subclass of A.
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  • 2021-02-04 10:31

    C<A> does not mean that C is extending A, it means it can have A as the type parameter.

    This is very similar to Comparable<T> and Comparator<T> interfaces in java.

    Consider following example

    public class NameSort implements Comparator<Employee> {
       public int compare(Employee one, Employee another){
           return (int)(one.getName() - another.getName());

    means that Comparator is using Employee objects for sorting them using its name.

    You can also take another example

       List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

    This line means that List is using String objects as parameters

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  • 2021-02-04 10:41

    In this case, C is a class that can take a generic parameter, and you are giving it a specific type A as the parameter. Then, B extends that specific parameterization of C.

    For example, suppose:

    class C<T> {
        T example();
    class B extends C<Integer> {

    Then B.example() would return an Integer.

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  • 2021-02-04 10:44

    In simple words

    That doesn't mean anything, unless there are some methods defined in Class C or its ascendants, to either accept or return Type A parameters.

    By doing so you are ensuring the Type safety by imposing restrictions saying "They can accept or return objects of Type A".

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  • 2021-02-04 10:45

    You are defining a class B that inherits from class C, parameterized with type A. A must be a class or interface.


    class MyStringList extends ArrayList<String>

    means that MyString IS AN ArrayList that will only contain String elements. This class could then define e.g. a concatenate() method that returns the concatenation of all Strings in the list.

    Because of this inheritance, you will be able to assign an instance to a List<String> variable:

    List<String> strings = new MyStringList();

    But you will not be able to assign it to List type variables with other parameters:

    List<Object> objects = new MyStringList(); // does not compile
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