What\'s the best way to trigger errors on elements for server-side validation errors that come back after the form passes the initial client-side validation?
I think I figured it out from the documentation of Validator/showErrors
var validator = $("#contact_form").validate();
validator.showErrors({"state": "Bad state."});
Make it. Write a plugin that will do whatever you want. Or if you get to complicated, simply write a javascript function to do it and call that.
I would write a plugin that would create a div, fill it with the error text and animate it nicely.
On submit of the form, I would make the target of the form an invisible iframe on the page which would then call a function in the topWindow with it's result.
<iframe id="subject_frame" name="submit_frame" src="#" style="width:0;height:0;border:0px solid #fff;"></iframe>
then in the page in the iframe call a javascript method in the top window that either redirects on success or displays the errors.
In the iframe
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
window.top.window.submitComplete("<?php echo $response; ?>");
In the top window (as an example)
function uploadComplete( result ){
if(result == "OK"){
$.blockUI({ message: "<span style='color:green;'>File upload successful, request submitted.</span><br/><br/>Redirecting..." });
setTimeout(function() {
onUnblock: function(){ window.location='thankyou.php'; }
}, 2000);
} else {
$.blockUI({ message: "<span style='color:red;'>Failed.</span><br/><br/>"+result });
$('.blockOverlay').attr('title','Click to remove').click($.unblockUI);