I am building a NodeJs SOAP client. Originally, I imagined the server (ie the node SOAP client) would allow downloading documents through a REST API (the REST API is authentica
If you are visiting this SO page after Dec 2015, you may find that the previous solution isn't working (At least it isn't working for me). I found a different solution so I thought I would provide it here for future readers.
app.get('/download', function(req, res){
res.download(pathToFile, 'fileNameForEndUser.pdf', function(err) {
if (!err) {
Found two SO questions that answer my question. So apparently we don't need to use the express.static middleware. We just need the filesystem to download a file:
app.get('/download', function(req, res){
var file = __dirname + '/upload-folder/dramaticpenguin.MOV';
res.download(file); // Set disposition and send it.
If we want to stream and then delete follow:
app.get('/download', function(req, res){
var stream = fs.createReadStream('<filepath>/example.pdf', {bufferSize: 64 * 1024})
var had_error = false;
stream.on('error', function(err){
had_error = true;
stream.on('close', function(){
if (!had_error) fs.unlink('<filepath>/example.pdf');