I want to make use of the android xml layouts. I have put a glSurfaceView in a frame layout to use in conjunction with a linear layout like so...
Just reference your own class (with full packagename) in the xml, the same way you reference android.opengl.GLSurfaceView. Make sure that your subclass implements the proper constructor, and passes the context & attributes to the parent:
public MyGLSurfaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
Then you can fetch it using findViewById:
MySurfaceView glSurfaceView =
That should do the trick.
If everything corect, like you write in the xml-layout, the full Path to the Glsurfaceview-class : (and classname)
it works only if the class, GLSurfaceView, written in a own File. in this file for shure, the construktors need to be written correctly.
i read about ,1 constructor for xml-refer, and one for comunication between classes. constructor for xml-refer, and one for comunication between classes, can be found, if written correcly, inside GLSurfaceView . GLSurfaceView, is where you set the Renderer, set it in the the xml constructor, must be the only way, it works fine. (shown in anwer 1)
public MyGLSurfaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs);
renderer = new Renderer(context);
If you some of this peoples, who cant get SurfaceView work, in xml-layout ore, who buy this book from Apress - Beginning 3D- Game-Development. dont be angry ore hurt yourself. At page 44-45 it be written, in one file. Write GLSurfaceView, like in my answer, in own file. Renderer is own file, where: onSurfaceCreated, onSurfaceChanged, onDrawFrame..can be found And The MainActivity