How to plot a multicolumn CSV file?

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攒了一身酷 2021-02-04 09:23

I am very new to R, so excuse me for a question probably stupid.

I\'ve got a multicolumn CSV (plain comma-separated, no quotes) file where the first row is the header, t

  • 2021-02-04 09:55

    You can use read.csv to input the data as a data.frame. Then you have plenty of choices for plotting. I prefer lattice for most investigative work.

    Two in lattice. Here I am creating random data to chart.

    d <- data.frame(index=1:20, x=rnorm(20), y=rnorm(20))
    > head(d, n=3)
      index         x          y
    1     1 -1.065591  0.2422635
    2     2 -1.563782 -1.4250984
    3     3  1.156537  0.3659411
    xyplot(x+y~index, data=d, type='l', auto.key=list(space='right'))

    You can generate the formula from the names of the columns. I don't usually do this from the prompt, but use such constructs in code:

    f <- paste(paste(names(d[,-1,drop=FALSE]), collapse="+"),
               sep=" ~ ")
    xyplot(as.formula(f), data=d, type='l', auto.key=list(space='right'))

    As in Ben's answer, type='l' specifies lines. The default is type='p' for points. I added the auto.key parameter here, to label the series.

    enter image description here

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  • 2021-02-04 09:56

    Probably the most compact, base-R-only solution is

    mydata <- read.csv("mydatafile.csv")
    matplot(mydata[, 1], mydata[, -1], type="l")
    • header=TRUE is a default option to read.csv(), so you don't need to specify the existence of the header row explicitly
    • mydata[, 1] selects the first column; mydata[, -1] selects all but the first column
    • type="l" selects lines (the default is points); see ?matplot, ?plot for details of changing line types, colours, etc etc etc ...

    Once you know that matplot is useful you can search StackOverflow for other examples, e.g. How to draw multiple Lines from csv in R

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