How do I check if the charset of a string is UTF8?
None of the above answers are correct. Yes, they may be working. If you take the answer with the preg_replace
function, are you trying to kill your server if you process a lot of stirng ? Use this pure PHP function with no regex, work 100% of the time and it's way faster.
if(function_exists('grk_Is_UTF8') === FALSE){
function grk_Is_UTF8($String=''){
# On va calculer la longeur de la chaîne
$Len = strlen($String);
# On va boucler sur chaque caractère
for($i = 0; $i < $Len; $i++){
# On va aller chercher la valeur ASCII du caractère
$Ord = ord($String[$i]);
if($Ord > 128){
if($Ord > 247){
return FALSE;
} elseif($Ord > 239){
$Bytes = 4;
} elseif($Ord > 223){
$Bytes = 3;
} elseif($Ord > 191){
$Bytes = 2;
} else {
return FALSE;
if(($i + $Bytes) > $Len){
return FALSE;
# On va boucler sur chaque bytes / caractères
while($Bytes > 1){
# +1
# On va aller chercher la valeur ASCII du caractère / byte
$Ord = ord($String[$i]);
if($Ord < 128 OR $Ord > 191){
return FALSE;
# Parfait
# Vrai
return TRUE;