I started using Rails 2 last April but stopped this June because I thought learning it when Rails 3 was released would be more practical since a lot of it was completely refacto
In tadman's answer, use gem 'mysql2' for the rails 3 since rails 3 now uses the new mysql adapter !!
Since Rails 3.2 you can define a .railsrc file with custom command line options that will always apply to rails new
So, if you create a file called .railsrc
and put it in your home directory w/ the contents like this -d mysql
it wll make mysql be your default database. You can put any of the command line options in there (including application templates which are supper awesome!)
Run rails new --help
from the command line to see all your options.
You can change rails to default to MySql when you generate a new application, but you have to edit a line in your rails installation. You'll have to make the change to every version, and every time you update the rails gem.
I use Ruby-Enterprise. So here's what I do:
In file (where 1.8 is the ruby version and 3.0.4 is the rails version):
Edit: In rails-3.1.0-rc1 the file is:
Search for this line:
class_option :database, :type => :string, :aliases => "-d", :default => "sqlite3",
Change "sqlite3" to "mysql".
class_option :database, :type => :string, :aliases => "-d", :default => "mysql",
So instead of doing:
rails new application_name -d mysql
I can just do (and the database.yml and Gemfiles are configured for the mysql2 gem):
rails new application_name
This assumes you have the correct mysql2 gem installed already. Also, I've only been doing this since Rails 3 came out. It's probably similar for previous versions. Again, every time you update Rails, you'll have to find and edit that file.
In terms of database configuration, nothing much has really changed between Rails 2 and 3 with the exception of how you load your MySQL driver. This used to be done in config/environment.rb
but is now done in Gemfile
gem 'mysql'
The default config/database.yml
file is set up with SQLite, but you can easily change this over to be MySQL. A generic version looks like:
defaults: &defaults
adapter: mysql
username: localdev
password: mylocaldevpasswordwhateveritis
host: localhost
<<: *defaults
database: project_dev
<<: *defaults
database: project_test
It's the adapter
declaration line that sets what driver to use.