I am making a cocoapods. I am using pod lib create MyLibrary
to create a new cocoapods. After it\'s done, I added two files into MyLibrary/Pod/Classes/. And I commi
I might be late, but if someone else finds this:
I often have the same problem, it happens when I use pod install in my own "MyLibrary" instead of pod update.
So try instead
pod update
This has to do something with your Podfile.lock, but I cant tell you exactly whats the reason.
Yeah. One hour I've just paid to solve this problem. The problem was incompatibility of ios versions, a dependency had 7.0 but my target has 6.0 version. Updating to 7.0 the target version has solved my issue. Why wouldn't write an error message for such troubles?...
I had the same problem and I have been able to solve it following this steps:
$> sudo gem install cocoapods --pre
$> rm Podfile.lock
$> pod install
Maybe some are not necessary, but it worked for me (I think that the most important is to remove the Podfile.lock). I hope you can solve it too.
try this:
$ sudo rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/
$ sudo rm -fr ~/.cocoapods/repos/master/
it works for me. I hope this solution will work for you too.