I was trying to work with AWS Lambda using the awscli on an ubuntu ec2 instance, and I do not have access to the aws console. Note that I am not using serverless or zapper, I di
Using the AWS CLI can be a bit irritating because the stream name changes as you modify your function. I've found that using awslogs (https://github.com/jorgebastida/awslogs) is a nicer workflow.
List the groups:
awslogs groups
Filter results.
awslogs groups|grep myfunction
Then get the logs from the group.
awslogs get /aws/lambda/ShortenStack-mutationShortenLambdaBC1758AD-6KW0KAD3TYVE
It defaults to the last 5 minutes, but you can add the -s parameter to choose a time, e.g -s 10m
for the last 10 minutes.
The output is colourised if you're at the terminal, or plain if you're piping it through other commands, e.g. grep to find something.
First, get the log group name:
aws logs describe-log-groups --query logGroups[*].logGroupName
Then, list the log streams for that log group:
aws logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name '/aws/lambda/MyFunction' --query logStreams[*].logStreamName
Finally, get the log events for that stream:
aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name '/aws/lambda/MyFunction' --log-stream-name '2018/02/07/[$LATEST]140c61ffd59442b7b8405dc91d708fdc'
"nextForwardToken": "f/33851760153448034063427449515194237355552440866456338433",
"events": [
"ingestionTime": 1517965421523,
"timestamp": 1517965421526,
"message": "START RequestId: bca9c478-0ba2-11e8-81db-4bccfc644168 Version: $LATEST\n"
"ingestionTime": 1517965424581,
"timestamp": 1517965424567,
"message": "END RequestId: bca9c478-0ba2-11e8-81db-4bccfc644168\n"
"ingestionTime": 1517965424581,
"timestamp": 1517965424567,
"message": "REPORT RequestId: bca9c478-0ba2-11e8-81db-4bccfc644168\tDuration: 3055.39 ms\tBilled Duration: 3100 ms \tMemory Size: 128 MB\tMax Memory Used: 35 MB\t\n"
"nextBackwardToken": "b/33851760085631457914695824538087252860391482425578356736"