I am newbie in the world of android app development. I was creating a project Example on Android Studio. I have my LunchList.java file in
There is a manual "how to move project" here
I moved progect, got your problem, followed this manual, got window like you and choose "OK". And now it works very well.
It helped me to set the right SDK... I used the one in Program Files, what did not work!
Then i found out to use the following SDK (set in local.properties):
sdk.dir=C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-studio/sdk
Hope this helps...
I've found that the issue is usually if you've changed or moved the folder to a different location.
If you open up the .idea folder in AndroidStudio, have a search for any reference to the old location. If you find some, just replace with the new location. It would seem some of the lines are hardcoded.
In my case, I imported the same project over again. Android Studio overrode the old settings. Then this error went away!
Finally! Updated solution found here:
Android APK path is not specified for module
I had the same issue and found the solution. Stackoverflow Question this is the same way to fix the error
Also lower down in there is "SDKs" i also had to make them match. Name and Build Target. Hope it helps it did me. apparently the IntelliJ is what Android Studio is.