I found how to change the background color of the User Interface in Shiny. The withdraw I found is that it also colors the background of the tables i\'m showing with table
A solution has been given on the shiny google group:
list(ui = bootstrapPage(pageWithSidebar(
sidebarPanel( tags$hr() ),
# change style:
tags$head(tags$style("#dummy table {background-color: red; }", media="screen", type="text/css"))
server = function(input, output) {
output$dummy <- renderTable({ data.frame(A=1:4,B=2:5,C=rep("aaa",4)) })
I also invite you to read this discussion on the shiny google group, which shows how to use the pander package to generate html tables and insert them in a shiny app. This allows a more flexible control of the style.