Is it possible to get all of the code in a appendix. Say I have two chunks in a document and then some text.
```{r, echo=TRUE}
x <- 4+5
Above is X out
can extract all R code from a markdown file into an R script. You can add that as an appendix.
## appendix
```{r code=readLines(knitr::purl('~/path/to/file.Rmd', documentation = 0)), eval = FALSE}
You could use a reference to your initial chunks, but then change the options:
main text
```{r blah, echo = FALSE}
```{r blah2, ref.label='blah', eval = FALSE}
Which will give:
Another possibility:
### Appendix
```{r, ref.label=knitr::all_labels(),echo=TRUE,eval=FALSE}
as suggested by Yihui's nice example