My development environment is not the fastest. I takes roughly 500ms per PHP request. It\'s starting to
Try to remove this part of code in routing_dev.yml when use_controller is false :
resource: .
type: assetic
If you use assetic:dump
, then you have to cache:clear -e dev
"...if you run cache:clear on your production cache, it warms up the cache with debug mode on. If you try to dump assets afterwards, weird things might happen."
i found it here: http://sftuts.com/using-assetic-in-symfony2-for-css-compression (4. paragraph)
I have the same problem, working configuration is: comment out from routing_dev.yml:
resource: .
type: assetic
set use_controller to false. After doing this I'm able to use assetic:dump and see working page.
Symfony documentation is always the first place where to start look: How to Use Assetic for Asset Management
In the prod environment, your JS and CSS files are represented by a single tag each. In other words, instead of seeing each JavaScript file you're including in your source, you'll likely just see something like this:
<script src="/app_dev.php/js/abcd123.js"></script>
Moreover, that file does not actually exist, nor is it dynamically rendered by Symfony (as the asset files are in the dev environment). This is on purpose - letting Symfony generate these files dynamically in a production environment is just too slow.
Instead, each time you use your app in the prod environment (and therefore, each time you deploy), you should run the following task:
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
This will physically generate and write each file that you need (e.g. /js/abcd123.js). If you update any of your assets, you'll need to run this again to regenerate the file.
From the documentation
Modify the dev config to avoid using the controller.
# app/config/config_dev.yml
use_controller: false
Remove the route in routing_dev.yml to avoid side effect
# app/config/routing_dev.yml
resource: .
type: assetic
Automatically dump your css/less files every time you have a modification.
php app/console assetic:dump --watch