I keep getting this error when I do a git pull every 60 seconds on my monitoring server. I am using chef and a python script to \"git pull\" every 60 seconds.
Please move or remove them before you can merge.
The solution is actually very simple:
git clean -d -fx ""
Why don't you put them to .gitignore
Try this:
git config --global core.trustctime false
My guess is that someone else has accidentally committed this file. How to resolve this:
Remove your local .pyc file
rm rtb_redis_connections/redis_connections.pyc
Do the pull
git pull
Remove the file from git and push up the changes
git rm rtb_redis_connections/redis_connections.pyc
git commit -m "Remove pyc file"
git push origin master
Assuming that you are working on the master branch that is.
You either need to add te rtb_redis_connections
directory to the repository so that it tracks to the remote, or add the files or directory to .gitignore