I’m using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded.
For example,
Using some of the other answers here I made a version that replaces all the pertinent characters in one pass irrespective of the number of distinct encoded characters (only one call to replace()
) so will be faster for larger strings.
It doesn't rely on the DOM API to exist or on other libraries.
window.encodeHTML = (function() {
function escapeRegex(s) {
return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var encodings = {
'&' : '&',
'"' : '"',
'\'' : ''',
'<' : '<',
'>' : '>',
'\\' : '/'
function encode(what) { return encodings[what]; };
var specialChars = new RegExp('[' +
escapeRegex(Object.keys(encodings).join('')) +
']', 'g');
return function(text) { return text.replace(specialChars, encode); };
Having ran that once, you can now call
To get <>&"'