Terraform 0.12 nested for loops

后端 未结 1 554
南笙 2021-02-04 03:41

I am trying to implement nested for loops using Terraform 0.12\'s new features in order to loop through AWS IAM users, each of which can have one or more policies attached. The

  • 2021-02-04 04:10

    The for expression in your local value association-list is producing a list of list of lists of strings, but your references to it are treating it as a list of lists of strings.

    To get the flattened representation you wanted, you can use the flatten function, but because it would otherwise group everything into a single flat list I'd recommend making the innermost value an object instead. (That will also make the references to it clearer.)

    locals {
      association-list = flatten([
        for user in keys(var.iam-user-policy-map) : [
          for policy in var.iam-user-policy-map[user] : {
            user   = user
            policy = policy

    The result of this expression will have the following shape:

      { user = "user1", policy = "policy1" },
      { user = "user1", policy = "policy2" },
      { user = "user2", policy = "policy2" },

    Your references to it can then be in the following form:

    user = local.association-list[count.index].user
    policy_arn = "arn:aws-us-gov:iam::aws:policy/${local.association-list[count.index].policy}"
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