If I have a Windows executable, how can I find out which dlls it will load?
I\'m just talking about which ones that will be loaded statically, not ones it might load
dumpbin is a tool that comes with VC++.
To see what DLLs a program will import:
Dump of file whatever.exe File Type: EXECUTABLE IMAGE Image has the following dependencies: AIOUSB.DLL sqlite3.dll wxmsw293u_core_vc_custom.dll wxbase293u_vc_custom.dll KERNEL32.dll ole32.dll OLEAUT32.dll MSVCP90.dll MSVCR90.dll
To see what functions (and DLLs) it will import, use
C:\> dumpbin /imports whatever.exe
Open the command prompt and then type below command
tasklist /m /fi "imagename eq netbeans.exe"
Type instead netbeans.exe whatever name your exe file name.
Just go to the command prompt and type tasklist /m
, you will see the list of dll files used by specific program.
Dependency Walker can help you determine which .dll will be loaded.
progfr is simple and useful: [http://members.fortunecity.com/michaelmoser/tip11.htm]
Process Explorer Comes with SysInternals Suite https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysinternals-suite
Benefits: allows to explore the process that is already running (I have not found a was to attach the dependency walker to the existing process)