Focus Next Element In Tab Index

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失恋的感觉 2020-11-27 03:06

I am trying to move the focus to the next element in the tab sequence based upon the current element which has focus. Thus far I have not turned up anything in my searches.<

  • 2020-11-27 03:11

    Here is a more complete version of focusing on the next element. It follows the spec guidelines and sorts the list of elements correctly by using tabindex. Also a reverse variable is defined if you want to get the previous element.

    function focusNextElement( reverse, activeElem ) {
      /*check if an element is defined or use activeElement*/
      activeElem = activeElem instanceof HTMLElement ? activeElem : document.activeElement;
      let queryString = [
          /* add custom queries here */
        queryResult =, elem => {
          /*check for visibility while always include the current activeElement*/
          return elem.offsetWidth > 0 || elem.offsetHeight > 0 || elem === activeElem;
        indexedList = queryResult.slice().filter(elem => {
          /* filter out all indexes not greater than 0 */
          return elem.tabIndex == 0 || elem.tabIndex == -1 ? false : true;
        }).sort((a, b) => {
          /* sort the array by index from smallest to largest */
          return a.tabIndex != 0 && b.tabIndex != 0 
            ? (a.tabIndex < b.tabIndex ? -1 : b.tabIndex < a.tabIndex ? 1 : 0) 
            : a.tabIndex != 0 ? -1 : b.tabIndex != 0 ? 1 : 0;
        focusable = [].concat(indexedList, queryResult.filter(elem => {
          /* filter out all indexes above 0 */
          return elem.tabIndex == 0 || elem.tabIndex == -1 ? true : false;
      /* if reverse is true return the previous focusable element
         if reverse is false return the next focusable element */
      return reverse ? (focusable[focusable.indexOf(activeElem) - 1] || focusable[focusable.length - 1]) 
        : (focusable[focusable.indexOf(activeElem) + 1] || focusable[0]);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-27 03:15

    The core of the answer lies on finding the next element:

      function findNextTabStop(el) {
        var universe = document.querySelectorAll('input, button, select, textarea, a[href]');
        var list =, function(item) {return item.tabIndex >= "0"});
        var index = list.indexOf(el);
        return list[index + 1] || list[0];


    var nextEl = findNextTabStop(element);

    Notice I don't care about prioritizing tabIndex.

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  • 2020-11-27 03:16

    This is my first post on SO, so I don't have enough reputation to comment the accepted answer, but I had to modify the code to the following:

    export function focusNextElement () {
      //add all elements we want to include in our selection
      const focussableElements = 
        'a:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), input[type=text]:not([disabled])'
      if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.form) {
          var focussable =
          function (element) {
              // if element has tabindex = -1, it is not focussable
              if ( element.hasAttribute('tabindex') && element.tabIndex === -1 ){
                return false
              //check for visibility while always include the current activeElement 
              return (element.offsetWidth > 0 || element.offsetHeight > 0 || 
                element === document.activeElement)
          var index = focussable.indexOf(document.activeElement);
          if(index > -1) {
             var nextElement = focussable[index + 1] || focussable[0];

    The changing of var to constant is non-critical. The main change is that we get rid of the selector that checks tabindex != "-1". Then later, if the element has the attribute tabindex AND it is set to "-1", we do NOT consider it focussable.

    The reason I needed to change this was because when adding tabindex="-1" to an <input>, this element was still considered focussable because it matches the "input[type=text]:not([disabled])" selector. My change is equivalent to "if we are a non-disabled text input, and we have a tabIndex attribute, and the value of that attribute is -1, then we should not be considered focussable.

    I believe that when the author of the accepted answer edited their answer to account for the tabIndex attribute, they did not do so correctly. Please let me know if this is not the case

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  • 2020-11-27 03:18

    i use this code

        $(document).on('change', 'select', function () {
        let next_select = $(this);
    // console.log(next_select.toArray())
        if (!next_select.parent().parent().next().find('select').length) {
        } else if (next_select.parent().parent().next().find('select').prop("disabled")) {
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 1000)
        } else if (next_select.parent().parent().next().find('select').length) {
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-27 03:23

    Without jquery: First of all, on your tab-able elements, add class="tabable" this will let us select them later. (Do not forget the "." class selector prefix in the code below)

    var lastTabIndex = 10;
    function OnFocusOut()
        var currentElement = $get(currentElementId); // ID set by OnFOcusIn
        var curIndex = currentElement.tabIndex; //get current elements tab index
        if(curIndex == lastTabIndex) { //if we are on the last tabindex, go back to the beginning
            curIndex = 0;
        var tabbables = document.querySelectorAll(".tabable"); //get all tabable elements
        for(var i=0; i<tabbables.length; i++) { //loop through each element
            if(tabbables[i].tabIndex == (curIndex+1)) { //check the tabindex to see if it's the element we want
                tabbables[i].focus(); //if it's the one we want, focus it and exit the loop
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-27 03:23

    I have a buch of 0-tabIndexes, which I wanted to navigate by keyboard.
    Since in that case, only the ORDER of the elements mattered, I did it using document.createTreeWalker

    So first you create the filter (you only want [visible] elements, which have an attribute "tabIndex" with a NUMERICAL value.

    Then you set the root node, beyond which you don't want to search. In my case, this.m_tree is a ul-element containing a toggable tree. If you want the entire document instead, just replace this.m_tree with document.documentElement.

    Then you set the current node to the current active element:

    ni.currentNode = el; // el = document.activeElement

    Then you return ni.nextNode() or ni.previousNode().

    this will NOT return the tabs in the correct order if you have tabIndices != 0 and the element order is NOT the tabIndex order. In case of tabIndex = 0, the tabOrder is always the element order, which is why this works (in that case).

    protected createFilter(fn?: (node: Node) => number): NodeFilter
        // Accept all currently filtered elements.
        function acceptNode(node: Node): number 
            return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
        if (fn == null)
            fn = acceptNode;
        // Work around Internet Explorer wanting a function instead of an object.
        // IE also *requires* this argument where other browsers don't.
        const safeFilter: NodeFilter = <NodeFilter><any>fn;
        (<any>safeFilter).acceptNode = fn;
        return safeFilter;
    protected createTabbingFilter(): NodeFilter
        // Accept all currently filtered elements.
        function acceptNode(node: Node): number 
            if (!node)
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
            if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
            if (window.getComputedStyle(<Element>node).display === "none")
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
            // "tabIndex": "0"
            if (!(<Element>node).hasAttribute("tabIndex"))
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
            let tabIndex = parseInt((<Element>node).getAttribute("tabIndex"), 10);
            if (!tabIndex || isNaN(tabIndex) || !isFinite(tabIndex))
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
            // if ((<Element>node).tagName !== "LI") return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
            return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
        return this.createFilter(acceptNode);
    protected getNextTab(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement
        let currentNode: Node;
        // let ni = document.createNodeIterator(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
        // let ni = document.createTreeWalker(this.m_tree, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
        let ni = document.createTreeWalker(this.m_tree, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, this.createTabbingFilter(), false);
        ni.currentNode = el;
        while (currentNode = ni.nextNode())
            return <HTMLElement>currentNode;
        return el;
    protected getPreviousTab(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement
        let currentNode: Node;
        let ni = document.createTreeWalker(this.m_tree, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, this.createTabbingFilter(), false);
        ni.currentNode = el;
        while (currentNode = ni.previousNode())
            return <HTMLElement>currentNode;
        return el;

    Note that the while-loop

    while (currentNode = ni.nextNode())
        // Additional checks here
        // if(condition) return currentNode;
        // else the loop continues;
        return <HTMLElement>currentNode; // everything is already filtered down to what we need here

    is only there if you want if you have additional criterias which you cannot filter in the filter passed to createTreeWalker.

    Note this is TypeScript, you need to remove all tokens behind colons (:), and between angle-brackets (<>), e.g. <Element> or :(node: Node) => number to get valid JavaScript.

    Here as a service, the transpiled JS:

    "use strict";
    function createFilter(fn) {
        // Accept all currently filtered elements.
        function acceptNode(node) {
            return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
        if (fn == null)
            fn = acceptNode;
        // Work around Internet Explorer wanting a function instead of an object.
        // IE also *requires* this argument where other browsers don't.
        const safeFilter = fn;
        safeFilter.acceptNode = fn;
        return safeFilter;
    function createTabbingFilter() {
        // Accept all currently filtered elements.
        function acceptNode(node) {
            if (!node)
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
            if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
            if (window.getComputedStyle(node).display === "none")
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
            // "tabIndex": "0"
            if (!node.hasAttribute("tabIndex"))
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
            let tabIndex = parseInt(node.getAttribute("tabIndex"), 10);
            if (!tabIndex || isNaN(tabIndex) || !isFinite(tabIndex))
                return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
            // if ((<Element>node).tagName !== "LI") return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
            return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
        return createFilter(acceptNode);
    function getNextTab(el) {
        let currentNode;
        // let ni = document.createNodeIterator(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
        // let ni = document.createTreeWalker(this.m_tree, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
        let ni = document.createTreeWalker(document.documentElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, createTabbingFilter(), false);
        ni.currentNode = el;
        while (currentNode = ni.nextNode()) {
            return currentNode;
        return el;
    function getPreviousTab(el) {
        let currentNode;
        let ni = document.createTreeWalker(document.documentElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, createTabbingFilter(), false);
        ni.currentNode = el;
        while (currentNode = ni.previousNode()) {
            return currentNode;
        return el;
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